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Orgy of Souls / Wrath James White and Maurice Broaddus

Apex Publications / June 2008
Reviewed by: Jeff Burk

Orgy of Souls is one of the most intriguing author pairings in recent history. Maurice Broaddus is a real-life minister who happens to write horror fiction. Wrath James White is an atheist and professional fighter who also happens to write horror fiction. Together, they have written a novel of extreme horror that examines faith and the age-old-question of "why do bad things happen to good people?"

The story concerns Samuel, a priest who contracted HIV during a blood transfusion. His body is wasting away and his faith is wavering. Meanwhile, his brother Samson, a hard-partying male model, has devised a plan to save Samuel's life. Samson has studied magic and contacted a supernatural entity to make a deal – twenty souls for the life of Samuel.

The plot is based on a very interesting concept but takes some time to get going. The book is very short – clocking in at a slim 140 pages - and it takes almost half that to get to the horror. Once things get violent though, the story is an exciting ride until the very end. Sex, drugs, gore, demons, and even a giant monster all await the patient reader.

Both authors compliment each other nicely. At no point can the reader tell when one's contribution ends and the other's begins. Each writer also gets his chance to profess his spiritual beliefs through the characters. Samuel speaks for Broaddus and espouses the positive aspects of faith. Samson points out the hypocrisy and irrationality of religion in keeping with White’s atheism. The plot allows for many opportunities for the authors to explain their philosophies and it works well in most scenes, but there are points in which the story gets derailed for the sake of preaching to the audience a bit.

Wrath James White and Maurice Broaddus have created a fun and exciting story. While Orgy of Souls could have used some tightening plot-wise, it is still a strong story. Fans of both authors should be satisfied, but if you are new to White or Broaddus, another book would be a better introduction. Enthusiasts of religious and/or hardcore horror should take note. Not enough stories manage to combine extreme violence with philosophical discourse.

Purchase Orgy of Souls by Wrath James White and Maurice Broaddus.

Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 at 08:50AM by Registered CommenterDark Scribe Magazine in | Comments Off

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